LR075 Rituals improve performance (IM)
Rituals and charms improve performance. In a study by Lysann Damisch, two groups of students were asked to play golf putting; the first group was simply handed a golf ball and told to "go for it." The second group was told, as they were handed the golf ball, that this ball was the lucky ball and that everyone had succeeded. The students who were given the so-called lucky ball performed better in their putting scores than the students in the first group. Superstitions and talismans may not be effective in themselves, but believing in them relieves stress and anxiety and improves performance.
those who 「〜な人」
Lysann Damisch(ドイツの女性名?)はどんな実験をした?
Word 品 Japanese Meaning 重要度 Word Family Synonyms
ritual 名 儀式 1 ritualistic ceremonies performance 名 パフォーマンス、実行 5 performer, perform execution putting 名 パッティング(ゴルフの) 1 putt stroke succeed 動 成功する 3 success, successful achieved effective 形 効果的な 3 effectiveness, effect efficient stress 名 ストレス 4 stressful pressure 出典:バーバラ・ブラッチュリー『運を味方にする「偶然」の科学』東洋経済新報社. 第4章 運と呪術的思考──不合理な信念の役割