enum Type { Vertex, Compress, Rake, AddEdge, AddVertex };
// g must be a rooted tree
struct StaticTopTree {
vector<vector<int>>& g;
int root; // an index of the root in g
int stt_root; // an index of the root in static top tree
vector<int> P, L, R; // parent, left child, right child
vector<Type> T; // type of vertices
int add_buf; // a variable for the member function
StaticTopTree(vector<vector<int>>& _g, int _root = 0) : g(_g), root(_root) {
int n = g.size();
P.resize(4 * n, -1), L.resize(4 * n, -1), R.resize(4 * n, -1);
T.resize(4 * n, Type::Vertex);
add_buf = n;
int dfs(int c) {
int s = 1, best = 0;
int t = dfs(d);
s += t;
if (best < t) best = t, swap(d, gc0); }
return s;
int add(int k, int l, int r, Type t) {
if (k == -1) k = add_buf++;
Pk = -1, Lk = l, Rk = r, Tk = t; return k;
pair<int, int> merge(const vector<pair<int, int>>& a, Type t) {
if (a.size() == 1) return a0; int u = 0;
for (auto& s : a) u += s;
vector<pair<int, int>> b, c;
for (auto& i, s : a) (u > s ? b : c).emplace_back(i, s), u -= s * 2; auto i, si = merge(b, t); auto j, sj = merge(c, t); return {add(-1, i, j, t), si + sj};
pair<int, int> compress(int i) {
vector<pair<int, int>> chs{add_vertex(i)};
while (!gi.empty()) chs.push_back(add_vertex(i = gi0)); return merge(chs, Type::Compress);
pair<int, int> rake(int i) {
vector<pair<int, int>> chs;
for (int j = 1; j < (int)gi.size(); j++) chs.push_back(add_edge(gij)); return chs.empty() ? make_pair(-1, 0) : merge(chs, Type::Rake);
pair<int, int> add_edge(int i) {
auto j, sj = compress(i); return {add(-1, j, -1, Type::AddEdge), sj};
pair<int, int> add_vertex(int i) {
return {add(i, j, -1, j == -1 ? Type::Vertex : Type::AddVertex), sj + 1};
void build() {
auto i, n = compress(root); stt_root = i;
using mint = atcoder::modint998244353;
vector<int> A;
struct Path {
mint a, b;
using Point = mint;
Path vertex(int i) { return {1, Ai}; } Path compress(Path p, Path c) { return {p.a * c.a, p.a * c.b + p.b}; };
Point rake(Point l, Point r) { return l * r; };
Point add_edge(Path d) { return d.b; };
Path add_vertex(Point d, int i) { return {d, Ai}; };