To become aware of things that we are not aware of, we need to engage in certain practices. One way is to generate new insights by public.icon and tkgshn.icon. Another way is through dialogue, particularly face-to-face conversations like 雑談. During these conversations, when unfamiliar words are used, we often respond with "I see" or "I understand." This immediate response allows us to ask questions and explore tangents, which may provide opportunities for implicit knowledge to be expressed. Instead of focusing on "Knowledge," it is more effective to engage in conversations using Wisdom. This means shifting the focus from the quantity of information (content) to Competency (abstraction). For example, instead of asking "Are topics A and B similar?" we can explore the common elements and propose them as wisdom or competency. The differences between A and B can be considered as Domain Knowledge, which refers to industry-specific knowledge. Having abstract knowledge allows us to understand the meaning of things to some extent. However, the understanding can be greatly influenced by the context of the surrounding sentences. In dialogue, we can clearly sense the context, and 雑談 plays a significant role in providing context. Therefore, engaging in communication (dialogue) where the context is clearly visible can be a good opportunity to learn things we are not aware of.