Hyperstructures are an important concept in building crypto projects as they attempt to articulate the elements that are crucial in constructing protocols as Public Goods. According to MorleySheen, a hyperstructure is a concept that serves as inspiration in building crypto projects and aims to create protocols that function as public goods. The concept of hyperstructures is beautifully explained in https://gyazo.com/d61096125cb239cc0e3bcd341bd13bda. Moving on to the discussion about Zora, it is important to note the definition of public goods provided by MORi. Public goods are goods that possess both the characteristics of Non-Competitiveness of Consumption and Non-excludability of Consumption. Non-competitiveness of consumption refers to the property where the consumption of a good by one person does not reduce the amount of the good available for consumption by others. For example, if someone eats an apple, the amount of apples available for others to consume does not decrease. Non-excludability of consumption refers to the property where it is difficult to exclude specific consumers from consuming the good. For instance, in the case of national defense, it is unlikely that only one person's house would be protected in the event of an attack, thus fulfilling the non-competitiveness criterion. It is worth noting that the term "public goods" is sometimes used to refer to services with high public value such as elderly care and education. However, these services do not fulfill both the non-competitiveness and non-excludability criteria of public goods. Therefore, caution must be exercised when discussing public goods, as the atmosphere conveyed by the word may differ from its actual meaning. For further reference, the book The Power of Microeconomics by Hiroshi Taira provides valuable insights on this topic. Now, let's delve into the definition of Hyperstructure. A hyperstructure is a crypto protocol that operates indefinitely, without the need for maintenance, interruptions, or intermediaries. It functions perpetually and free of charge, relying solely on gas fees. This raises the question of whether smart contracts and Web3 products, which are sustainable and unstoppable, embody the concept of hyperstructures. tkgshn seems to have a clear understanding of this. Additionally, the question arises of whether DAOs have made it possible to provide public goods from the private sector, and to what extent Hiroshi Taira's statement about Web3.0 being the "New Capitalism" covers the actual functions of government. The characteristics of a hyperstructure can be summarized as follows:
- Unstoppable: The protocol cannot be stopped by anyone as long as the underlying blockchain exists.
- Free: The protocol operates with a 0% overall fee, relying only on gas fees.
- Valuable: The protocol generates value that is accessible and can be sold by its owners. - Expansive: The protocol incorporates incentives for participants.
- パーミッションレス (Permissionless): The protocol is universally accessible and resistant to censorship. Developers and users cannot be excluded from the platform.
- Positive-Sum: By utilizing the same infrastructure, participants create a win-win environment.
- Credibly Neutral: The protocol does not discriminate against users.