FOSS, which stands for Free and Open-Source Software, refers to software that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution. It is a term used to describe software that is built on the principles of openness and collaboration. The concept of FOSS has gained significant popularity in recent years, with many individuals and organizations embracing it as a viable alternative to proprietary software.
According to the Free and open-source software - Wikipedia, FOSS is a movement that promotes the use of software that can be freely accessed, modified, and distributed by anyone. This allows users to have more control over the software they use and encourages collaboration among developers. The Linux Foundation has conducted a FOSS Contributor Survey Report to gain insights into the contributions and motivations of individuals who contribute to FOSS projects. This report provides valuable information about the demographics, skill sets, and motivations of FOSS contributors, shedding light on the vibrant and diverse community behind FOSS development. Additionally, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) has conducted a Case study on management methods for the utilization and security of OSS. This study explores various management methods that can be employed to effectively utilize and secure FOSS within organizations. It highlights the benefits and challenges of adopting FOSS and provides recommendations for successful implementation.